Hike-friendly S’mores Recipe


A sweet and sticky snack to enjoy in the great outdoors: the all-time favourite S’more. Sanna Nielsen shows us how to make a hiking-friendly version that you can take into the mountains with you on your next adventure.

“Marshmallows, crackers, chocolate, in a tortilla bed... definitely works!”

- Sanna Nielsen, outdoor chef

Prep time: 2 minutes

Cooking time: 5 minutes

Equipment needed: Outdoor stove, pan, cutting knife

Serves: 2

A sweet and sticky treat for mountain adventures!



  • 2 tortillas

  • 4 normal marshmallows (bonus if you can get the mini marshmallows!)

  • 1 slab chocolate

  • 1 pack of crackers

Tortillas in a pan outside on a gas stove kitchen.


  1. Place tortillas on the pan.

  2. Roughly tear the marshmallows into pieces and place them on the tortillas.

  3. Break and add the chocolate pieces, then break and add the crackers.

  4. Keep an eye on the pan. You want the marshmallows to melt, but not the chocolate.

  5. Remove the pan from the heat and let the s’mores cool

Hint: best enjoyed with a cup of coffee!


Sanna Nielsen

I write about connecting with nature as I chase my own adventures around the world.


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