Seven days hiking the Via Alpina | Part 2


This seven-day trek marks the longest hiking trip Oda and I have done. Spending a week immersed in the mountains and dining on local food offers such a lovely peek into life in Switzerland. I've always felt that walking through a place is one of the best ways to get to know it. The Via Alpina proved me right.

This summer, I start my great adventure across Switzerland: hiking the Via Alpina green trail. The fourth stage of the Via Alpina hike is a long stretch from Altdorf to Engelberg. Our path takes us 99km from Obwalden through the Bernese Alps to walk alongside rivers, glaciers, and Switzerland's tourist attractions.


Soninke Combrinck

I write about connecting with nature as I chase my own adventures around the world.


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Seven days hiking the Via Alpina | Part 1